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How do I compare mortgage rates in Nevada?

Use SmartAsset's mortgage rate comparison tool to compare mortgage rates from the top lenders and find the one that best suits your needs. Nevada is a diverse state with one of the fastest-growing populations in the country. If you decide to buy property in the Silver State, you can expect mortgage rates to hover above the national average.

Are rate-and-term refinances a good option in Nevada?

Rate-and-term refinances are a good option when you want to alter your existing mortgage’s interest rate or loan term — or even both. In Nevada today, the average interest rate you’ll pay to refinance is higher than average purchase mortgage rates.

Should I get a 15 year mortgage in Nevada?

You can also consider a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. It allows you to pay off your loan quicker and comes with a lower interest rate, but your monthly payments will be higher. The average Nevada rate for a fixed 30-year mortgage is 5.95% (Zillow, Jan. 2023).

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